If you’ve been hanging around Reveal Cannabis for a while, you’ll know that I was in the first graduating class of the Cannabis Coaching Institute. The course changed me in innumerable ways, but it wasn’t perfect.
To begin, I wasn’t happy with how little information there was about how and why cannabis works in the body. We did get some basics, but I wanted a deep dive. I started bugging the co-founder, Corinne, almost immediately. Poor lady. I’d write to her and ask canna-science questions or wonder aloud how great it would be if we had a module on this or that. I must have worn her down because right after graduating, she asked me to start contributing to the class as a Science Educator and Graduate Mentor.
I was thrilled.

We did a slight tweak of the curriculum and incorporated more information about the science behind cannabis. But it still wasn’t enough. In fact, after running the class for three years, we decided it needed a complete overhaul. I still remember the call I got in December 2020. It was Corinne on the other end, asking if I would consider helping her and her co-founder Niki completely revamp the class.
Ummmm, YES!
CCI version 2.0 launched in February of 2021 and I’m not blowing smoke up my own arse when I say that we freaking nailed it. How do I know? Because our students are killing it. They have started their own businesses and have already helped hundreds of people get some relief from sleepless nights, pain, anxiety, depression, inflammation and so much more. Check out their stories here (YouTube) and here (blog).
But, they’re not doing all that JUST because I’m a wicked science teacher - it’s because there’s more to CCI than just the weed.
The Cannabis Coaching Institute Student Journey
As an overview, it’s a six-month certification program and when you graduate, you’ll be a Certified Cannabis Health Coach with an 8-week done-for-you coaching program in your pocket, and ready to take paying clients. The entire course is done online and is self-paced.
Besides weekly video lectures and assignments, you’ll also be invited to two live calls each month. One is with Corinne and Niki so you can ask all your business building and mindset questions, and the other is a science-focused Q+A with me to allow you to get extra support learning about new canna-concepts. As a bonus, we also run weekly calls where students can practice presenting on a topic that lights them up. So far we’ve covered DIY custom canna-oil blends, canna-tourism, cannabis and sex and so much more.
But that’s not all. You don’t have to wait days or weeks to have your questions answered. You have access to almost constant support and feedback from staff, recent graduates and fellow students in an online discussion forum we run. This is also where you’re going to start to make lifelong connections in the cannabis industry. If you have questions, there are dozens of helpful folks in there to answer them. You're fully supported during your entire student journey.
Even if you know nothing about the plant and have never so much as thought about running your own business, our goal is to have our students work with paying clients by the time they’re done.
So, what does it all look like?

Getting Started at the Cannabis Coaching Institute
Before we even begin lessons, as soon as you join CCI, you’re invited to Orientation Week. During those seven days, we’ll help you get set up for success and teach you how to schedule out your course work so that you have time to get it all done - AND live your life while you’re doing it. We’ll also introduce some mindset concepts to help you get your head in the game.
Your first seven weeks are spent with me!
I’ll be teaching you all about the plant, why and how it works in the body, all the different ways you can take it, as well as proper dosing strategies for clients. I’ve made it my mission to make cannabis science accessible to everyone - #sciencenerd or not.
But it's not just science. You’ll also get 7 weeks of mindset training. Let’s face it, starting a business is hard work and starting a business in the cannabis industry comes with its own unique challenges. Niki makes sure you don’t let those nagging negative thoughts derail your progress before you even get started.
Next, you’ll spend four weeks learning about the foundations of coaching and how to set up your business. Besides learning coaching skills and why they work so well, you’ll spend time learning about ethics and how to stay within your scope of practice as a Coach. Plus, you’ll get deep dives on client attraction, setting up payment systems, websites, booking calendars and more.
In the third phase of CCI, you’ll go through an 8-week coaching program centred on healthy cannabis use along with mindset, nutrition, movement and stress management training. This is the program that you’ll offer to your clients when you graduate. You and your partner will coach each other through these two months and most students find this to be a life-changing process.

You see, at CCI we don’t believe cannabis is a cure-all. We know that it takes looking at your entire lifestyle and your mindset to be able to make lasting changes that help you feel better. This program is the same one you’ll use with your clients when you graduate, and it’s so rewarding to experience the changes that you’re going to help facilitate for your clients.
Finally, depending on what bonus trainings you’ve purchased, you’ll get a class on pricing your programs, a cannabis and cancer module, a 2-session Cannabis Consultation package, workshop ideas AND a masterclass on building a profitable affiliate business.
By the end of your time at CCI, you’ll be a well-educated, badass business person ready to accept your first clients if you don’t already have them! Many of our students get paying clients before their program is even completed. Talk about a return on investment! And the support doesn’t stop that. Join monthly grads-only calls so you can continue to grow your business with the support of your CCI Tribe.
So that’s it! After just six months, you can be out there singing the praises of healthy cannabis use and making an income doing it.
Interested? We run new classes each October and February. Come check out the Cannabis Coaching Institute here. You can join our 3-day Challenge, book a discovery call with a faculty member or just sign right up. Remember to use the code: revealcannabis for $500 off your tuition.
I can’t wait to see you there.
If you have questions about CCI or anything cannabis, feel free to post them below or shoot an email to hello@revealcannabis.com