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Can You Grow Autoflowers Like a House Plant? Well, Maybe YOU Can

Writer: Reveal CannabisReveal Cannabis

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing

Note: I know many people would rather read a blog than listen to or watch a video. That's why I provide this rough transcript of our conversation, which is not meant to be a perfectly edited blog post. Thanks for your understanding (and not blasting me in the comments.)

What you will learn:
  • What is the experiment?

  • What the heck did I do to these poor plants?

  • So, CAN you grow autoflower cannabis seeds inside like a houseplant?

  • What advice do you have for me? (Be gentle!)

Andrea Meharg: Welcome back to another video at My name is Andrea. Meharg. I am a certified cannabis coach and educator, and it is a very clear that I am not a master grower.

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing

What is the experiment?

Andrea Meharg: This is the fourth in a series of four videos that I've done that was an experiment to see if I could grow autoflower flower cannabis seeds in my house under a great light with great soil and with excellent seeds. Could I make this experiment work without doing all the other things that most growers who grow inside need to do like play around with light schedules or have like a tent and ventilation. All the things that you're supposed to have.

So at the beginning, it looked like it was really working.

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing

As you can see, it turns out that you know, like a whole bunch of things went wrong.

What the heck did I do to these poor plants?

Andrea Meharg: Please don't write me in the comments and like yell at me about how poorly I've treated these plans. I know I'm I'm embarrassed like this isn't what I wanted to show you.

In my defense, it was a busy summer. We were away for some of it. I have no idea how to grow under lights. So I didn't realize that I was actually burning the tops of the plants for like a long time. Plus, as you can see, I have no idea what happened here, but although they're identical seeds, right? They're supposed to be twinsies they're from the same same seed company. It's an excellent seed company. One of them grew Significantly differently than the other. And so I was always trying to have like the light on the right angle and stuff.

So, CAN you grow autoflower cannabis seeds inside like a houseplant?

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing

Andrea Meharg: So if you're wondering like, Hey, did this experiment work. Can you grow auto flowers in the house? I think you actually can, I'm going to try again. I'm just going to grow one seed so that I don't have the weird wonky light thing. I'm going to pay much more attention to how far away my light is from the plant so that I'm not burning my poor poor little plant. I'm not even going to show you what these two that I have looked like at the end, cause literally like people will write me and like threaten me. Because they're so bad. So this experiment wasn't great, but I do I think it's possible.

What advice do you have for me? (Be gentle!)

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing

Andrea Meharg: So I am going to try again and I will keep you posted. Have you have any, um, constructive criticism for me? If you have any help for me, if you've done this at your own house and. It's worked or it's failed just as badly as mine has. Please. Let me know in the comments. Um, this was actually a really fun experiment.

And I'm glad that I put it on YouTube so that I continued to, you know, just go through with the project. Um, yeah. So let me know what you think. And don't forget to head over to and. And hit subscribe and grab yourself the newsletter. It has lots of tips and tricks on things that I'm actually good at. Not this necessarily. Um, and I hope you enjoy it. All right, I'll see you on the next video.

grow autoflower inside, grow autoflower with no tent, easy autoflower growing


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